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12 August 2010

What a mixed up day.

Started the day with my regular crew mate.
An incident on another car required them to split up as well as us so we could regroup with someone from the other car. Fine I got my cycling mate for the day.
Further cock ups occur and we end up with my original crew mate third up on the car!!!! who's going to treat.

93M - Thoracic back pain, after ruling out AAA's looks like it is most likely skeletal.

76F - Simple trip on uneven paving that resulted in some nasty facial trauma.

86F - Syncope with vomiting, now there may have been some ST elevation on the old three lead machine in the other stations car we were using but she had no cardiac history,,,, treat it cardiac. It may have been food poisoning or it might not!

86M - LMO thought he should go home and ring for an ambulance for dark stool. Unknown for how long, Pt showing no signs of hypovolaemic shock or stress to really warrant an emergency ambulance.

63M - SOB, Weak, gross ascites.

70F - CVA, started showing symptoms last night, by 0800hrs this morning the haemorrhage was huge.

739 jobs/ 101 shifts = 7.32 average.

You be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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