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16 August 2010

Not a quiet Sunday either.

82M - ?? Vaso Vagal syncope, elected to stay with family.

97M - SOB, Acute Pulmonary Oedema.

23M - Post Ictal, but only with a work mate so transport required so family could then come into town and collect him.

56M - Unwell and C/o mid thoracic back pain and variation in BP between arms some times only ten or twenty points or then again fifty points???? you've got to be thinking of a triple A!

23M - Got smacked in the nose, it bleed and then stopped. WHY ask the Police to call an ambulance to tell you about the pathophysiology of an epistaxis?????

25M - I'll blame his behaviour on drugs but I really think he just wasn't playing with a full deck of cards. In the cells at the Cop Shop claiming a dislocated shoulder, they were finished with him so he came with us but was just the stupidest, twat I have seen in months. Security escorted him out of the hospital almost straight away, Oh, and that arm now seems to be working fine.

84M - Assist of the floor to bed, Parkinsons.

And that was that.

765 jobs/104 shifts = 7.36 average.

See you at the big One.


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