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02 August 2011

And the next shift no emergency work.

61M - Very hot cafe, uncomfortably hot, eating, describes a faint, witnesses describe a seizure but pt isn't post ictal with GCS = 15, luckily from him I diagnose a cafe syncope rather than it being an epileptic seizure but we transport for obs and I explain to my junior partner what the difference is.

47M - Been drinking all day and decides to driver around and see the Ex. Cops become involved and he shoots off his mouth and talks about suicide and we all have to go to hospital because you can't take back those words once said. Depressed drunk with a suicidal Hx at a hospital that's not coping with the number of ordinary sick people already.

28F - Drank a little too much which opens up a dark place that she normally hides and she picks up a knife and opens up a goodly portion of her anterior forearm. Just down to the adipose no vascular injury or tendon but needs surgical closure and some counselling.

And that was the night.

I have one of my Traffic Offender Intervention Program presentations to do on the days off.

I've also worked out a way to bind my patient question books with wire combs without having to incur the expense of re-tooling and intend to produce some of those as the national conference of Paramedics Australasia is being held in Sydney in October and and as my book is still their shops highest selling text book (what a wanker) I better have some on hand.

There are also episodes of Combat Hospital, Dr Who, Torchwood, Eureka and several other TV show to watch online during the days off.

See you at the big One.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

always cool to see another Dr Who fan. See you at the big one, Mavs.