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27 August 2011

I'll be on holiday's!

For the next three weeks so posts may be few and far,,,, or not!

77F - Possible prosthetic hip dislocation.

55M - Who needs a debt consolidation service and social work but not an ambulance. Poor use of resource by area health workers who couldn't understand him over the phone so sent us to do their work. We got some phone numbers of available services like the Salvation Army and AngliCare.

63M - Witnessed arrest (VF) in the airport, first responders straight away on scene doing good CPR, had an AED and had delivered 6 shocks. We ran our entire protocol and then some for over an hour and transported but it was called at hospital. Good job well run and managed by all.

21F - IP, nice and polite.

32M - Opiate OD, took 1.6mg of Naloxone and agreed to come to hospital for an hour of observation but agreeing inside and actually getting in the vehicle turned out to be two different things. He totally understood the dangers of dropping off again but refused to come with us.
You can lead a horse to water,,,,,,,

14/12F - Febrile and not responding all that well to antipyretics.

And a thank you to Lauren and Anon for their contributions on Calls for Answers from the Floor on that ECG. In hindsight I think it was the BBB or may be a chemical imbalance but I'm waiting on the hospital to get back to me.

See you at the big One.


1 comment:

Lauren said...

It must be it must be prime time for holiday's. My uncle and his set of twins are arriving any day from your neck of the woods. I hope you have a great holiday and enjoy your time off!