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02 September 2008

Match Fitness!

So I finished holidays and returned to work on a Saturday which is the beginning of our rostered week. My shift was first of two nights so Saturday and Sunday nights.

As I have said in the previous post, what would usually be a big and fun filled shift in the big ol' city was not for me but such is the nature and requirements of fluid deployment of resources within an ambulance service.

Sunday morning about four hours before knockoff I was starting to ache and drag my steps a little and when I got home I slept a very, very deep sleep until awoken by the alarm and dragged from that beautiful place.

Sunday's night shift was as expected slower and there was some down time that I did make some use of. I still slept soundly after that shift so my 'match fitness' has slipped while on holiday. But as I have already posted I did enjoy my break too, so I need to do some exersice on these days off to try and bring the stamina back up to what it was.

Not too much to ask now that spring is here and the days warmer.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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