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Oh, there you are!

09 September 2008

When will they learn.

Go out and get an absolute skin full of booze have some pills and fall over and suffer a closed head injury. Then have to have a hole drilled in the back of their skull to drain off the blood and wait to see if they have suffered any permanent damage and will be pissing and eating through tubes for the rest of their lives.

I'm not a wowser, I use to enjoy drinking and partying, hell I even use to play in pubs with folk bands.

I was a Brass Band musician and we drank like fishes and smoked like chimneys. I was a musician in the Australian Army, there are periods of my life that have just disappeared and there are thing that I would have done differently if I had been in control.

There comes a time when you must accept responsibility for your actions and hopefully modify your actions before they cause life long misery.

Today's young adults don't drink any more than say I did, in fact I sometimes think that they drink less with binge drinking. I don't know what the solution is. I have no idea where you would start and so until something is done with positive outcomes I guess, we ambulance officers of the world will continue to collect the intoxicated hoard and attempt to minimise their damage.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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