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07 September 2008

The rain has stopped.

We have had two days of quite heavy rain. These have been my day shifts and I have stubbornly been riding my bicycle still to work. I think that I have got past the fair weather rider now so in the pre-dawn dark I have departed in what I had hoped for was only a mild shower and returning home in heavy rain.

Guys at work have variously offered me a lift or even to one who very kindly offered his car as he was on night shift and I would be returning the next morning for my second day shift. But I've been riding now for ten months and I really do notice the physical differences and am sure that even though I do still have a vise or two (too much coffee and smokes) the riding is responsible for my low cholesterol 4.2mmol/L and a 120/68 mmHg blood pressure.

What was pissing me off was the drying of the wet clothes. The extended time over night at home worked Ok but at work they just never made it to even partly dry. I even rode home after the last day shift in uniform with a wet weather coat on.

So I'm ready for a little bit better weather so that the punters can go out and we might get a bit more work. Yes I know that this does sound a bit of a double standard but public education will not in my opinion stop certain elements from binge drinking, risk taking and anti social behaviour and these people provide us with some of the staple jobs we do in the big city.

I think that I would also like to take this opportunity to say hello to a person out in far west New South Wales in Broken Hill who drops by often as shown by the visitor map and who was brought to my attention by a colleague at my station who know them.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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