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06 October 2008

Got one overtime shift.

Worked with another officer also on overtime and also from my home state and we had a very cruisey night.

A young fella who had been having a bath and while Mum and Dad weren't looking had suffered a bit of tap trauma to the forehead, it just needed a little bit of medical super glue.

A couple of Mental Health patients.

Alcohol and Depression do not mix, everyone was very compliant, and I had no need to use the new powers provided by the NSW Mental Health Act 2007.

A very, very drunk man who had not eaten garlic prawns, (read June 13 post)

And my first job in a house of religious worship from the middle eastern lands. The patient was declared deceased after we had run the arrest protocol through once and they remained refractory asystole.
But think of it, a religious person, comes and says their prayers, makes peace with their god and then dies! That's a nice way to go when you think on it.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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