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Oh, there you are!

29 October 2008

We are water proof.

It was drizzling nearly all day.

Not a heavy rain just light drizzle.

So a Pedestrian pulls their Hoodie up and dashes across the road.

Not seeing the bus bearing down on them.


Dual head trauma, frontal and occipital.
Road rash abrasions like you only see on motor cyclists.
But not a broken bone.
No neck pain, no pelvic pain, no abdo pain.

In fact no pain that isn't associated with the abrasions on almost every bony prominence.

Was it the quick reaction time of the bus driver?
The pedestrian did nothing but place themselves in extreme danger not knowing what hit them!

The fickle Gods of trauma missed this one.
Banged up good but at home tonight with their family.

Very, very lucky

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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