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Oh, there you are!

30 January 2009

So end total of eggs is three.

They get implanted tomorrrow.

Then we wait.

Tracy can't do without her external hard drive.
The shop from which she purchased it have sent the AC adapter away to be replaced only after I pointed out that the unit was covered by a three year warranty and it will take five weeks!!!

Bravely as she battles depression, sour face sulker this morning pulled the whole unit apart to see if it could be installed on my PC, no it couldn't.

Now she's off to the computer shop down the road to look for the bits to construct her own external drive.

That's my girl.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


1 comment:

Tracy said...

YAY I Did and Now it works again!! Techi wife!! Sorry for being a crabby puss!