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30 April 2009

Day Twelve of the holidays.

So that was that.
We came home for a quick trip.
Never caught up with everyone, sorry.
Relaxed in the clean, fresh environment and the much slower pace that is our ol' home.

This is the second time I've been home now where no one has come up to me and said G'day and where have I been. Before I came to NSW it didn't matter how far a field I travelled in the state there seemed to always be someone I knew.

And so we arrived back home in Sydney to an intact house, that was the security issue I mentioned previously and very full Inboxes for both of us.

With sadness I read that one of our fellow Ambos has decided to stop blogging because of a single question about patient confidentiality from a peer.

The job that we attend usually ends up in all the local media with photos and complete names of the victims. We don't want to mention them because really the whole point of the blog is about US!
The job we love and the great pleasure we get out of the service we provide.
I won't mention the important and famous persons that I have picked up because it's about ME! This is part of the way I de-stress myself and become part of an international clan who provide pre-hospital and in-hospital medical care.

I hope that he finds his answers to this questions he seeks on this matter, we all have to set our own standards and I found nothing lacking in his.

There that's my spray for the week.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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