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26 August 2009

Night Two.

Hospital to Hospital transfer of a young one in the child capsule with Grandma escort.

94F, Head Lac, those damn throw rugs on slippery tile floors.

Unable to locate.

Some Floppy Asian Syndrome (FAS) with abdo pain.

43M, Psych transfer, nice fella just lost all idea of who he was!

52M/F, Transgender, a legend around my patch whom I had never had the pleasure to attend. We, as I was to learn, were the third crew to have responded to the pt this evening. The pt had been escorted from A&E previously for verbal abuse to staff and other normal pts.
At two AM when we were responded to the same pt again, I must say I slipped the angry ambo suit on. A direct, blunt instruction and dressing down of the alleged pt occurred until the pt had indicated three times that they understood.
We then transported them to the next nearest hospital for their abdo pain.
Pts main fluid intake is Metho.

So 7.25 pts on average for the four shifts

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


1 comment:

Jinx said...

Hey Taz,

Just wondering what Floppy Asian Syndrome means? and also when you get a Transgender pt. how do you go about documenting them on your patient assessment sheet? It's been bugging me for ages and none of my lecturers at uni have ever come across it. Do you ask what they would like to be? Do you just put them down as what they originally are? or do you circle the / between the m/f...? :p

Love reading the few Aussie paramedic blogs there are, keep up the good work!
