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Oh, there you are!

07 October 2009

And the day after day one.

Would be day two.
Just wanted to clear that point up.

It started with a call for a 75M at a strip joint at 0700hrs for vomiting and diarrhoea?
I don't understand 'em, I just respond.

21M - Tooth pain after being in a fight, no missing teeth or trauma, so under our Clinical Assessment & Referral (CARe) program in which I've been trained, I was able to provide some simple but very effective analgesia and written instructions and not transport the pt for what would have been the same treatment by a Dr after many hours wait in an ED.

69M - Same one from yesterday, dropping bum nuggets and wanting us to take him up to the hospital for a shower and change.

75F - Mechanical fall with shoulder pain. No obvious # but a very frail lady with a complex and extensive medical Hx so she got the offer and took the ride.

Do you wonder sometimes about the pt who rings for the ambulance and then looks at you as if Your queer when you ask if they want to go to the hospital. You know the opposite to the BP+ pt who meets you at the door with their bag packed (bp) and pension card at the ready (+) nearly knocking you over in their rush to get into the ambulance.

75M - Discharge to home.

20M from one of the Dance Parties held in Sydney this long weekend. No self control had three pills (MDMA or Ecstasy) just for himself the pig.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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