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Oh, there you are!

01 October 2009

I can't knock back all the O/t.

So I got the call and went to the Shire today.

51M - Unwell, Alcoholic drying out.

85F - Sciatic Pain.

37M - Possible PE (Pulmonary Embolism), has a post op DVT????

59F - Epigastric/Chest Pain, it's a grey area, could be cardiac, could be an ulcer or the Pancreas?

Assist another car on a job.

86F - has a Hb count of 41, just a bit on the white as a sheet side. GP book us to transport.

50M - Intoxicated, unable to take care of self and there is no such thing as a drunk tank any more.

84F - Discharge to hostel without the #NOF that was feared.

A very pleasant day in the suburbs.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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