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21 October 2009

Second Oldest person I've ever met!

The ACAP shop at our Education Centre had run out of my Trainee Question books so I delivered another fifty yesterday by bicycle about 28klm or 17 mile in very hot conditions.

Work today consisted of;

90F - Feels like her legs are burning, nothing obvious that I can see and while I'm not familiar with this pt the hospital said she came in nearly very second day.

74M - Uninjured, needs assistance off the floor, leave at home.

102F - Lives by herself, walks very well with a walker but felt a bit SOB. Royal treatment all the way for this lovely lady.

68M - Decreased appetite and social issues.

45M - His mate got taken away by an ambulance so this one rang because he thought he needed a check up too!!! And it pisses me off that if they ask, I have to take.

42M - Very drowsy, Diazapam use. Still had all his faculties and just wanted to sleep. Despite the families wishes it's assault if I force him.

24M - Much to young to be presenting with the DTs (Dry Terrors) or Alcohol Withdrawal symptoms.

55M - The do-gooder with a mobile phone. The guys just sleeping in a patch off sun.
What on earth made them believe he was dead!!!!!!!!!!!

67M - Assist of floor onto his wheelchair. He's recently strained a should and can't get himself up off the floor currently. Nice simple job to complete the day.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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