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Oh, there you are!

08 October 2009

And the last night to complete the block.

41M - decreased LOC. Picked up from a local men's hostel detox unit, under close supervision but had smuggled something. E=2, V=2, M=5.

79M - Wound care. Gent had an Angiogram today and the site was,,, oozing blood. He is being treated for a DVT and so has the clotting ability of a wet sponge (don't really know the clotting factor of a wet sponge). I applied some direct pressure to what is really a very difficult spot to bandage while Padawan took obs and Hx from Pt.

He didn't want to go to the ED and after twenty minutes it was still oozing but look if I had to estimate how much,,,,0.4ml per minute????. I made some new bandaging to try and apply continued pressure to the site by taping from (as only we can with a complete stranger) the scrotum laterally and superior in line with the pelvic fossa. If that makes sense.
Treat as another CARe job and leave at home with instructions.

UnconsciousM(Asian) on George St near vomit and surrounded by Bicardi Breezers! - Unable to Locate.

2M - Croup, Padawan has two, now adult, childern but neither suffered from croup so this was his first pt with it. I started treatment while he was talking I use a neb of normal saline for three reasons, 1) it simulates steam just like mums have used for years but is not hot, 2) introduces the pt to this strange misting thing that hisses while not wasting any of the adrenaline, 3) is real quick to set up and allows me more time/less urgency to draw up the glass ampules of adrenaline without cutting or stabbing myself.

Anywho worked a treat and pt had his first ride in an Ambulance.

30F - Non-compliant, Alcoholic, Schizophrenic, Depressed, will not help themselves pt.

80F - Dialysis pt.

No O/t these days off. The work social club is having a BBQ on Thursday and of course it's Bathurst Sat and Sun!!!!!!

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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