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23 October 2009

My day to drive, day two.

Starts with one of our three local dialysis pts, 82M.

46M - Gastro, squirts and upchucks for about four hours now, didn't want to manage at home.

76F - Nausea.

28M - IP in a park, was in the flowerbed when we arrived having a leak! Left him not an ambulance job.

30M - We've met this dude before for ODs and psych transfers but today he was making a spectacle at a Bank when we got called. He had a few minor cuts that we used to focus his attention on and remove him from the Bank.

Basically he's just out of Rehab and is going to a local refuge, his key card is lost and the Public Guardians Office allot him only so much money. We got his $50.00 and gave him a lift to the refuge.

Assist one of our Patient Transport Service vehicles to unload.

77F - Hx of bowel blockage and similar symptoms now.

45F - Wrist injury, I'm not even going to call it a fracture.

Very late finish because I had some things to do with the Police that I discovered only at the end of the shift and needed to be do right now!
Them's the breaks.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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