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Oh, there you are!

25 October 2009

Now that was more like a Saturday Night.

Warm weather and lots of people.

My Padawan didn't turn up and I had the pleasure of another P1 officer from the Station in Redfern.

47F - IDDM who hasn't taken her insulin yet because she doesn't feel well??? A normally very well controlled Diabetic who also has a cold starting. Took her jab, signed a card, stayed at home.

41F - Headache all day, Nausea with two vomits before our arrival. Hx of Migraines. Transport.

39M - Psychiatric transport for Police, cuffed and with an escort.

21F - Syncope, was at dinner, had been out in the sun all day, normally healthy, was healthy when we check, signed the card and stayed with her husband for the remainder of they first wedding anniversary night.


31M - Groom who didn't survive his bucks night.

19M - IP but can't walk and we did try our special ambo tricks to get him up so off to the pissed lounge at the hospital.

22M - Psychiatric transport for Police again. This guy may very well have Mental Health Issues but I'm not convinced that he doesn't use them as an excuse to be a prick & princess.

26M - Sore throat after having some teeth out two days ago. No airway involvement, SOB or anything really that you would expect a normal person to be bothered with.

?40M - Cut on palm inside the local police cells. They cut him lose to get treatment and outside he pissed off.

OC spray decontamination that had already washed themselves and left.

18F - celebrating being 18 and showing her friends what a truly disgusting person she is drunk.

29M - Lac on elbow and wants to go to hospital. Who also was at the last Traffic Offenders presentation I did and recognised me and was a bit chuffed about it????

So there you go, Thirteen jobs in twelve hours

Found these on my locker too.
I have a shower after my ride in and complain if there are none in the linen locker.

Thanks guys

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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