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Oh, there you are!

15 June 2010

I have a new follower!

Hello KayCee,

That make ten official now although by the maps there are many who just drop by for a read rather than becoming a follower an getting feeds of the most recent postings.

Welcome to the window to my world as a Paramedic in Australia's largest city.

If anything I say doesn't make sense please drop me a comment or even a personal message to the gmail address.

Even Ambowife doesn't understand me some days and we've known each other for nearly twenty five years.

See you at the Big One and you be careful out there.


1 comment:

Jason said...

Hey, okay, I'll poke my head in. Been following for a while on the RSS feed, about to start as a student with the WA service in a short few weeks time.

Interesting to read some of these blogs and hear what it's like in the different services!
