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27 June 2010

An interesting question.

So I pulled an O/t shift that started from the station near where we live but was worked at a station some ten kilometres away.

During the shift one of the other officers asked me where I got the enthusiasm to write a blog which is to the most part about work.

If you look at the first post I didn't see the point of this blog stuff. I didn't even think that I would have enough to talk about to make regular posts.

Mostly I write this for me, probably for the same reasons anyone else writes in a diary as that is all a blog is, just online and it can be private by acceptance of the author or public such as mine.

I love my job and whether or not anyone reads it I'll keep writing the blog to deposit my thoughts, emotions and feelings about what I do. The fellowship of the EMS/Ambo bloggers is another reason, I have learnt from the experiences of others and I have been able to expand the knowledge of others without subjecting them to a shift full of my ol' timer Dad jokes.

So what work did we do,

84F - Aphasia, not talking, that was it! No abnormal Obs, equal strength able to stand, alert to her normal state per the nursing home staff she just wouldn't open her mouth to speak or eat.

92M - Return to nursing home from the hospital post treatment for what was thought of as constipation but was ascites, effusion and accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity. ascitic, adj.

43F - Came down as back pain and that was probably something to do with the floor she was on after falling out of bed. Pt was living in a group home with other special needs persons. Assist to feet and off she scoots to the toilet without a single pain. Left in the care of the house carer.

29F - Vomiting and diarrhoea, had eaten a salad bought late from a kebab shop. Stay at home love, your warm, in a safe comfortable environment and you know who's arse was last on that toilet.

29M - Anxiety attack. He said that he had consumed five cups of coffee in six to seven hours. (Insider joke, local crews expect to see me at hospital with a travel mug [2 cups] of coffee at all times, all shift) Stayed at home.

82F - SOB, hypertensive, looked and sounded like the early start of pulmonary oedema, transport and a very late finish.

577/79 = 7.30, just in case you don't know what this is jobs/days worked = average.

See you at the Big One and you be careful out there.


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