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16 June 2010

O/t Tonight.

At the station near where they shoot the Masterchef program.

53F - Anxiety attack, she didn't recognise it as such but that is what it was! She was convinced it was an anaphylactic shock reaction!!!! Treatment,
Monitor, the pt love's a machine that goes ping.
That red light thing on the finger with numbers, the pt love's something with numbers for them to read.
Oxygen, every one on ER and All Saints got Oxygen so it must be good, even at 2 lpm.
BP cuff left on the arm and inflated regularly. Don't have to remember what it was just so the pt is distracted.
I think she left the waiting room some three hours later.

25F - The Flu. I've just used all my sarcasm above but you can guess, left her at home with instruction for self care.

90F - Simple mechanical fall, fractured NOF.

26F - Anxiety attack, student with an exam in two days. Talked her down and left her at home with the husband.

21F - Lumbar back pain, didn't want to got to hospital! so I don't understand why she rang for an ambulance. She had her own simple analgesia but had been taking them every twelve hours instead of every four. They'll work better now.

84M - Pulmonary oedema that was just starting, conservative treatment and transport of our only other sick person for the night.

544/74 = 7.35

See you at the Big One and you be careful out there.


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