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Oh, there you are!

02 June 2010

Up on time this morning.

Arrived with plenty of time to even trim the beard.
Nice weather too.

54M - Sounds like a focal seizure that develops to a partial. Anyway GCS was 15 and he didn't want or need immediate transport.

48M - It came down the Data Terminal as ?? Broken Leg! A cold response was what our Computer Aided Despatch system put on it and this time I can't complain. The Dude was doing circuit training and had strained his calf muscle!!!! Given self care instructions and released back into the wild.

57M - Syncope, found on the floor in a train carriage. Hypotensive, Gastro Upset, Cold! Nothing insidious found I think he was just crock with common ailments.

96M - Hypertensive, 218/100, got discharged five days ago after two weeks in-patient treatment for the same. It appears that his two anti-hypertensive meds had been reduced to one????? returned to the same ED and there was a change to be made to replace the stopped med but it just never seemed to happen.

12M - Spontaneous Pneumothorax! with an X-ray to prove it. We really were the transport only.

44M - Fell over on his motorbike! And fractured his right clavicle. Did it on the promenade at Bondi Beach (Bondi Rescue weren't there). It wasn't moving, he was stationary. OMG, How embarrisment!

42F - Recent discharge post treatment for pulmonary embolism but the SOB has returned today.

36F - We were querying an Urticaric Reaction to something, anyway no airway involvement so we got to use our new anti-histamine tablet with good effect.

Good day, some interesting work.

489/66 = 7.41

See you at the Big One and you be careful out there.


1 comment:

Squeezey said...

I'm intrigued, what's your new anti-histamine tablet?