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20 June 2010

This is freaky, Knocked off on time again.

Only one job I'm going to follow up from today's batch.

58M - Chest pain, from the Casino, wouldn't say how long he had been there or how much he'd lost. Transport anyway.

30M - Drunk Irishman, now did the alleged 'King Hit' make him speak gibberish or was it the no doubt heroic amount of alcohol he's drunk. Seven hours later he was still sleeping it off in the A&E. No fluids up so he'll have a god awful hangover.

75M - From Big Hospital to Rehab.

52F - Taking normal daily meds, gagged the wrong way and got one stuck, maybe near her glottis or maybe down the trachea? X-ray was inconclusive so they took her to theatre to pop a scope down her throat and have a look.

76M - Decreased LOC, with stimuli inappropriate answers, in good health, out driving with the wife (he was the passenger), obs ok, maybe the BP was a bit low for his age, ECG normal. Equal weakness to whole body, speech not slurred, no facial droop. CT came back clear, bloods showed nothing but four hours later I would have given at best a GCS of 13 (4,3,6) with poor ability to retain new, recent information like 'it's a Sats probe, no you can't take it off'. This I'm going to follow up on.

48M - Strained his back playing golf, tried no simple analgesia or medicated rubs or heat paks, just called an Ambulance.

75F - Abdo pain, per her no urination or bowel motions for a week. No bloody wonder it hurt. She had been attempting to correct at home with pharmacy medications without success.

559/76 = 7.36

See you at the Big One and you be careful out there.


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