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23 June 2010

Late knock-off!

I should have kept quiet. Stuck at the hospital with the last pt of the night and knocked off two hours late.

We have an extra officer on our line at the moment so three and a half crews. The boss has asked for those of us not acting as training officers, if we could take turns being the single and therefore being sent away to another station for the shift.

My normal partner took the first shot for the team and worked with a reduced hours officer at a nearby station while I had the pleasure of the new officers company. She's from out of area so I treated to let her drive, navigate and learn the area.

47F - Quadriplegic pt decreased urine output, the notes also said a headache and elevated BP!!!
Hello we go, Autonomic Dysreflexia - also known as 'Hyperreflexia', is a medical emergency that may occur in pt's with spinal cord injury at T6 or above.
The condition occurs as a result of a massive, uncompensated cardiovascular reaction of the sympathetic nervous system triggered by an irritating stimulus below the level of the injury.
May present with:

  • Sudden Hypertension
  • Pounding headache
  • Bradycardia
  • Sweating and flushed above the level of the injury
  • Skin pallor and goose bumps below the level of the injury
  • Shortness of breath and associated anxiety
Got all excited and it really was just a simple positional issue with the catheter.
Left her at home as with some re-positioning of the pt the flow re-started.

55F - IP, about a bottle of sake we were told, domestic issue with husband drew the attention of security at the casino, violence against them got the police and us called.
I drop my guard with females and she managed to kick me during the primary survey! Out came the pt restraints
There is a leg belt also and when fitted to the stretcher the whole rig prevents the pt from escape, acts of violence to staff, self harm and issues such as positional hypoxia.
Issued a section on the pt to activate my powers under the mental health act to restrain, detain and transport against their will a pt I judge to be mentally disturbed and a danger to themselves or others.

36M - Known schizophrenic pt who's depot IMI meds were not holding off paranoia. Compliant and seeking help.

40M- Very intoxicated with a small facial lac but it was the booze that was the real problem and he needed to be protected from himself trying to walk off. Easy enough to convince him to come each time he wanted to go by just asking him where the blood was from and why.

45F - first trimester with a PV bleed.

28M - Was in trouble with the Law, feeling depressed about it. He was with some of our local Cops and in their own words he wasn't a bad fella so they were going to try and help him out so SNR for us.

96M - In a nursing home now and tried to walk unassisted and fell. Five centimetre laceration on the crown of his head. It needed stitches as I could see skull beneath it, no neck pain and no LOC a very delightful gentleman.

566/77 = 7.35

See you at the Big One and you be careful out there.Taz

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