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23 June 2010

My turn to go away.

I took the next trip away to work with a peer at the beach of the Bra Boy's.

46M - Fainted while eating an apple, there was some abnormal ventricular readings on the three lead ECG but only every now and then, I think he just took too big a bite and maybe had a vagal response to the increase pressure and suffered a simple syncope but transported to clear him anyway.

70F - Dry raspy cough, three day history and really just needed some advise on how to manage at home that night before going to the chemist tomorrow for some cough suppressant.

6M - Ear infection and the biggest and nastiest looking cold sore I've ever seen.

69M - IP and asleep on someone's lawn, we tried to find out where he lived without success so we had to take him to the hospital. Their records showed we were two building from his place but also way to intoxicated for us to leave alone at home if he didn't live with someone.

87M - Regular dialysis pt and again by the time we returned to station, signed drugs in, cleaned the vehicle and I drove back with the morning traffic I knocked off two hours late again.

571/78 = 7.32

See you at the Big One and you be careful out there.


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