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11 April 2011

After five days Off,

I needed the days off, to watch videos and forget work with just Ambowife, don't know how much fun she had with me in the house all day.

Straight back into it this morning,

81M - 2 days of repeated rapid AF, called us today because he's now SOB! No kidding. 140-150bpm that I captured before transport where reverted all by himself.

36M - Walked into a cafe and ordered a coffee and fell asleep. They claimed they couldn't wake him but I did and moved him on while they offered coffee that we had to refuse because we can't accept freebies.

40M - Hospital to Hospital transfer, renal colic.

78F - Playing bridge, witnessed to develop a facial droop and lean. We had her in the Resus bay with the Stroke team in 35 minutes from onset. We'll follow up tomorrow.

78F - CA pt going to palliative care.

23M - Lower back injury at work.

Sent to back up another car at a cardiac arrest but they called them dead so we were re tasked to,

44M - Acquired brain injury who falls in his house without injury and needs an assist up.

40M - Opiate OD, backed up another car, they did all the work.

63M - In a wheelchair, can't seem to find disabled toilets so after a few days of doing in his pants he or a do-gooder rings us to take him to a hospital for a shower.

See you at the big One.


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