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20 April 2011

The return of Relative calm

An Uncle and Aunty from Scotland and the Mother-in-Law have been staying with us over my days off (all of them at the one time).

The house was just too small with five adults in it and I'm glad to be back at work for a break.

76M - The call was for chest pain but it didn't appear to be cardiac maybe respiratory or even a mental health issue.

89F - Booked transport to hospital for treatment and review of her gross cellulitis.

47F - Severe rapid epigastric pain after taking codeine. I'm told there is a stomach reaction with some people but I'll have to do some more research.

374F - Period pain but she suffers from endometriosis. It's only the second time in 11 years that she has called for the pain but the last was only 5 months ago so maybe the time for a review also of management.

45M - Call from a third party for an intoxicated man. Police arrived first and found nothing and called us off.

7 monthF - Got a bump on the head when in Mums arms and Mum turned too quick near a door jam. She was cute a pie and a lovely child and Mum felt terrible for her first real pain since the birth. Left at home for Mum to observe.

See you at the big One.



InsomniacMedic said...

You've got some seriously elderly types out there, Taz!
374 Female??? Must be a good medical system... :D

Anonymous said...

Let's not mention that at 374 she's still menstruating ;-)