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23 April 2011

Pubs shut and the work drops off?

Now why would that happen?????
I know that the 2200hrs close for licenced venues on Good Friday is not going to happen other times, people do have to make a living, but when the alcohol isn't there we did 500 less jobs across the entire Division that any other Friday night!

53F - Nausea and vomiting, why call now, she's at work about to knock-off and the symptoms are two days old. Some people amaze me.

31M - Some very minor lacs after a drunk threw a glass at him and was promptly tagged by security. Victim unknown to offender who was just a pathetic unhappy little drunk lad.

35M - Psychotic, acknowledged it was drug induced from Crystal Meth use. In the very short trip, thankfully to hospital he was telling me some really bad thoughts and while compliant and thankful of our assistance the potential for him to turn violent was some of the most I have felt.

46F - Abdo pain, chronic liver associated, her normal meds weren't doing it and her tolerance to opiates was very high. She was distressed and I didn't think that she was seeking and I gave 30mg IV Morphine and in knocked the pain down a little and I had reached my max dose for her weight. Lucky we had arrived just then.

18F - Is an asthmatic but was having a panic attack about an asthma attack, you follow? The very mild wheeze was the easy part to fix the 50 minutes we were on scene calming and reassuring her to control the resp rate was the hard bit. All good in the end and we left.

78M - Well known dialysis pt to finish of the night and then wait for the rain to stop before I ride home,,,,,,,,,,,,and it didn't.

See you at the big One.


1 comment:

Lauren said...

My eyes did a double take on the 30mg of ms04. Over here in conservative land we only carry 20 total and cant give it to abd pain and dont carry any other type of pain meds :( I was telling someone the other day it seems as if you have a lot more liberties in medicine than we do.