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06 April 2011

One job too close to home.

35M - Who rang up himself and told us he was having a heart attack. Turns out he is an absconder from our local hosp who took off before they could schedule him.

20M - Transfer from hand hosp to higher care facility.

39F - Stomach pain? but she appeared to be more interested in paperwork from Centerlink (Welfare) that required a Dr's signature to allow her to receive disability payments.
She was no more disabled than me. Some kind of scam going on here.

30M - IP, had been revving up some other homeless people and the cops got involved. They just wanted me to say 'yes he's just pissed and not suffering any acute mental health issues that require assessment by a hospital' or words to that effect. Last seen being offered a lift to the train station to send him back home to the suburbs. Away from our turf anyway.

38F - 12 weeks gestation spontaneous abortion. A lovely couple who were taking it very well.

35F - Bi-Polar who was riding the Manic Train. Husband was doing a much better job than I was with my first wife when she developed these same symptoms but I was just a brick salesman and she wasn't yet diagnosed. The fact that I'm revealing this on the blog shows that this job was a touch close to home. I was forced to physically remove her from the home and to the hospital but once I had taken that form of direct action she did reluctantly comply.

50M - That some bleeding heart liberal thought was having a seizure outside the only hotel bottle shop I know that sells Methylated Spirits chilled from the fridge. He wasn't. If they're so concerned take the homeless person home with you and stop wasting my time on someone who doesn't want to see me, I'm for a medical emergency.

See you at the big One.


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