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Oh, there you are!

06 April 2011

It took us all night to do this lot!

45M - Mental health issues. I can't remember what.

97M - Poor balance, every single ob was brilliant for a man 30yrs younger so I was betting an inner ear issue.

53M - Transfer from air ambulance to burns unit with >30% BSA partial circumferential burns.

91F - APO

31M - Heroin OD - Cardiac Arrest. There were two of them but the other can't of had as much because he was moving about and getting up as we walked into the public toilet. Pt remained asyslote and we called it after 20 odd minutes.

Big ticket item for the night was the successful use of an iGel LMA on this pt as part of the randomised trial we are part of.

See you at the big One.


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