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Oh, there you are!

14 April 2011

Three jobs in the first hour!

That's how the night started.

1M - Choking on unknown, we got there quick but the 'apparent ' choking had ceased and he was now playing happily with his father. Back out to the car to do the paperwork.

40M - Hypoglycaemia, 1.3BGL that rose to 3.8 and then 4.8 with some hypertonic glucose gel, our job is done.

51M - IP/Depressed, transported to hospital but unlikely to wait to see anyone. They actually whacked him in a mental health room this time.

Then it was hours of waiting for jobs,

85F - Hospital to hospital transfer for an angio.

85M - Lung CA - SOB.

??F Locked in the toilets at a McDonald's, may have mental health issues. I think the caller may have some issues but the woman I spoke to was just in the toilet.

Hope it's better tonight.

See you at the big One.


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