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28 April 2008

Made some money.

Today I drove, and as I sit here and think about it, the patients were not mine today they are my partners so I'm not going to talk about them.
We had a busy day worked right through and picked up some red.
I have been asked by some about the blog. Thank you for what ever interest you have shown I don't publicise it so it must be you.
If you have any concerns about the content please make a comment on any of the posts and I will get it. I have had some feed back and while I believe that I am in no way interfering with patient privacy and possible other thing to do with 'Professional Standards & Conduct' I will be checking it out to make sure I'm in the clear.

I am a quiet, little shy thing as you all know or must be picking up from posts and I don't know how people recognise me or why they remember me, but if I maintain my own standards I will never regret being remembered for I have done nothing wrong. Sorry I'll get off the soapbox now,

Be careful and I'll see you at the big one,



Anonymous said...

Well I think your a wonderful man and nothing on here is innappropriate. Keep it up.

TAZ THE AMBO said...

Thank you Anonymous.