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10 September 2009

Day 1 of a new roster.

So that means a new Padawan only he doesn't show!

Of course we hadn't exchanged shoe phone numbers yet so he couldn't contact me out of courtesy.

So I had a single Padawan from another station who was in his second roster on road and we did;

8M - making breakfast for Dad and was using a big knife! you can guess the rest. Dad was a Shrink so knew about the body but wasn't handling the stress very well. Young Master was having a grand time when he didn't see Dad Freaking.

79F - Had a simple fall and got a head lac for her trouble.

63M - SVT. It hasn't been his first experience but it was his longest (three hours). I got the impression he was a stubborn man but this episode had put the wind up him. Oh the rate was only around the 130.

85F - Who was standing at the front of the Bus waiting for it to stop. Then there was the car that pulled up in front of the Bus and then there was the Garfield the Cat impersonation she did on the Bus window.
She had a wonderful outlook on life and I stopped by several times to check on her and enjoyed that.

64M - The job read like a pre-arrest SOB. It was renal colic, known diagnosis even.

56F - Decreased LOC ??? polypharmacy, unknown, GCS e=3, v=2, m=5 for a total of 10. There were just a whole heap of unknowns about the job. Her partner was less than forthcoming with info and there was nothing in the apartment to suggest chemical use. So transport for investigation.

Now about the Padawan, not from a medical background, been on road for just nine weeks and impressed me so much that I emailed his first and only mentor and cc'ed our Education people to tell them what I thought of him. Well Done is all I'll write here.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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