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14 September 2009

Twas the night before work,,,,

Tracy and I didn't go for a ride at all these days off.

Two of them were our first 30+ (86F+) temperatures and Tracy developed a left hip/thigh pain/strain/cramp so there was no way I could have convinced her that a ride would have worked out!

We saw even less of our son than we expected due to his inability to catch a plane and late return from visiting the G/f before leaving to fly home (about an hour).

In Thirty years of catching aircraft for my self I have only missed two.

1983 - Adelaide Airport in South Australia, I was returning to Hobart with the Hobart City Brass Band after a very successful appearance at the South Australian Band Championships.
We were sponsored by a wine company, even back then there were rules to be obeyed to catch a commercial flight and being more plastered than those ducks you hang on a wall didn't cut it!

2005 - Sydney Airport, I was returning to Hobart via one of the cheaper airlines and I swear I never heard them call for passengers on that flight to step up to the express counter.

So we will see if I suffer from the normal poor sleep I have the night before returning to work

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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