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10 September 2009

Day 2

First thing exchange shoe phone numbers, now the Padawan and I can contact each other.
A different thing about this Padawan is that he is only five years younger than me so a lot of our mental processes are very similar. Our work load today was;

29M - Abdo pain.

58M - Chest pain, ECG variations.

32M - Abdo pain, being a sook.

47M - Drunk, got king hit and has neck pain. He arched up in the back en route and the extra life experience worked well for the Padawan. In the end he tore off the collar undid the spine board straps and walked out of hospital. I know from other crews that he was transported again twice more and did similar each time.
I mean when do you think enough is enough.
In our job I guess we just have to try and do the best despite the the patients apparent self destructive efforts.

65F - Fall, possible NOF or Femur hard to tell. The worst was time started to rain and I mean heavy as we planned extraction so we got the pain under control and waited twenty minutes for it to stop.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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