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Oh, there you are!

28 September 2009

Now the first night.

The Padawan and I were re-united and looking for a good nights work.

75M - Having just discharged himself from hospital after presenting with a possible TIA, this pt collapsed walking from the car to the house. Back you go.

18M - just a quick medical check on this fella at the Police cells before transfer to the Corrective Services cells. He stated that he had been doing Methamphetamine and MDMA for the last two days??? seemed very calm for that, everything was very normal and he was moved to his new destination shortly after our visit.

54F - Medical Centre, Asthma, three nebs given by the Dr, IHD, IDDM & Renal Failure were associated Hx, two more nebs by us and we went straight to the Resus Bay.

17M - Well to do area, party in the very nice house. This young fellow was on the front verandah so he wouldn't vomit inside. Had comsumed about a litre of vodka!!, trip to hospital for mum and dad to collect.

88F - Simple trip and fall going to the toilet. Lac to the rear of head that had stopped bleeding on our arrival even with the pt on Warfarin?. C/o groin pain but states this is normal just worse now. Age, Warfarin and pain indicate a trip that revealed a hip fracture.

29F - Asthma, 15yr history with little problem but very distressed now. Time to use the Peak Expiratory Flow Rate metre. Age and size indicated a normal score of 365 l/min, best first score pre neb = 100! Post a neb of Ventolin/Atrovent score = 200. 75% (275) and I can think about leaving the pt. With me telling the pt the possible fatal outcome of not coming with me I managed to get acceptance of my transport offer.

25M - Brawl, missing teeth. The fight was still in progress when we arrived so called on the boys and girls in blue to hurry up. Victim, very intoxicated (If a follower of his religion, he shouldn't have been but we don't stone people in Australia for alcohol use) wanting to carry on the fight with friends, Police and ourselves was at last calmed enough for us to take.

I hadn't got a good look in his mouth, what with him not understanding that I didn't want his blood all over me as he talked/shouted and spat. At hospital he washed some of it away in the toilet (leaving it splattered over the wall like a bad slasher film set) and as I took the jaw in my hand to pull down the lip I felt and saw it move as two bits.

Nothing could be done with him until the booze had worn off and he still kept up being a twat for hours!

35M - Intoxicated and ran into a closed patio door. Had a headache. Given analgesia and left.

40M - Woken from sleep with 'cramp' like chest pain. One vomit on scene, hyperventilation and apologised for calling us for a panic attack. Saw some elevation on the three lead monitor, convinced he to come to hospital. STEMI was confirmed.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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