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Oh, there you are!

23 September 2009


Now that the shifts are the same length I see no difference between day or night.
Before a fourteen hour night was more money for time I would have been only sleeping anyway so I had a preference for nights. Now I don't care.

Sunday Day at the station new the race course.

60F - Syncope, vomiting and diarrhoea.

28F - Sydney had a fun run (never seen any of them smiling) heat stress, cool in the Air Con cab and she refused any other treatment.

30M - Apartment fire, burnt hand on bedroom door handle and moderate smoke inhalation. The water fairies had a garden hose on the burns but the pain was still present so we had to wait to cool that. Good well maintained with polish boots kept my feet dry even though I was being well splashed by the hose! See there is method behind my madness about polished boots.

And before anyone starts on about the smoke inhalation the main evidence was soot on his outer face and some singed hair no immediate decrease in lung sounds or difficulty breathing and I was six blocks from the hospital so I treated his immediate concern which was the burns.

87F - Hip pain post a fall, able to weight bear and walk but had pressed the med alert button, I'm happy to attend this kind of job. We know how dangerous this injury could have been. Refused transport.

79M - Swollen knee, fell on it yesterday. Stated right up front that he called us because ambulance could get him in and x-rayed quicker!!!! I soon put paid to that theory.

34M - Pissed and has a rash on his arms. Looked more like poor personal hygiene didn't want to come, I didn't push the matter.

31F - Bronchitis Hx, has a good wheeze, some nebs en route and transport.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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