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Oh, there you are!

05 December 2010

Who will come, in my beautiful ambulance.

88M - Not feeling strong but doesn't want to see a Dr. Left at Home.
20F - Drunk and assaulted another innocent female. Left with Police.
20F - Running about in traffic, It was a call about the girl we had just seen but took longer to filter through from the call taker. Still had to do paper work.
55M - SOB, how about a blocked nose, honest a blocked nose. 'No I don't think you need to go to hospital sir'!
45F - IP at the big train station, who had got on a train and left when we arrived.
43M - Minor facial wound post assault. Declined transport and left with Police.
??M - Unable to get up. The location was the other side of the shops we are at with the last job,,,,,,, Duplicate call I reckon, we couldn't find anything.
24F - IP, I'm not sure why we got called. Pt was standing by herself, talking and drunk. B/f was on his way to collect her, left with her friends to wait for him.
BRAWL - multiple pts. Yeah right. UTL.

At this stage of the shift we have not transported a single pt. I'm starting to get desperate for hospital coffee!!!!

39F - IP, Xmas party, has never felt like this before, this drunk that is. A lovely lady who was in need of our help. Her friends had been trying to get her into a car but the evil wobbly leg syndrome kept stopping her.
21M - Xmas party IP, had fallen on his wrist but against a gutter and given himself this huge skin tear come laceration. Definitely needs hospital.
80M - Decreased mobility. Which is a known issue and there is an underlying dementia but he doesn't want to go. We've all seen the battle between that aged couple who really needs to have one in care because the other can't physically care for them any more. Left at home to see if the family can help to resolve.
34M - Abdo Pain. Renal colic.

See you at the big One.


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