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23 December 2010

Twas the first night before Christmas.

Well it was my first night shift before anyway.

31F - Relationship issues and maybe while washing a glass it slipped and cut her wrist, up the arm not across. Transport for stitches or gluing and maybe a chat.

46F - Been seen today for same at hospital, there is some diarrhoea but after I relieve pain they decide to hold off until tomorrow rather than wait in the waiting room. I had given her a whiff of Fentanyl, it was twenty five minutes before I left and it's only effect on her was to take the edge of her pain.

18F - IP, seven schooners of cider and beer mixed that are called snake bites! They're worried that her drinks been spiked,
Ya THINK!!!!
Which bit the excessive cider or the excessive beer!!!!
Transport her her safety.

40F - Anxiety, not doing well out in the world after rehab,
We talked and I seemed to calm down her anxiety and she decided to wait and go see the councillors in the day time.

71M - Unresolved vertigo this AM. Significant recent cardiac Hx AVR (aortic valve replacement) and one CABg (bypass). BP's good, no postural drops, no inner ear issues, strong pulse but it's funny irregular. Put the lifpak on and there we have sinus tach with 'P' waves and now we have Bi-Geminy for ,,,eight seconds and this was all at rest supine on the bed.
Got ya', the plumbings good it's the electrics on the motor.
Transport of course.

See you at the big One.


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