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23 December 2010

Twas my last shift before Christmas!

2M - Has hurt his arm at day care. Mum has arrived and can't console him, his guarding the limb but of course with a young one there is seldom a fully visible deformity. A quick whiff of the Fentanyl and away we go for an x-ray.

29M - Suicidal thoughts. Not uncommon this time of year. Not known to us and was judged as a significant risk so almost straight into the psych ward.

23F - Lower abdo pain. The Methoxy whistle and transport.

61M - From the Air Ambulance base to hospital with triple vessel disease.

18F - Claiming haematemisis after Goon (cheap cask wine where they remove the bladder and drink out of it!) and a few puffs on a joint!

And that's it.
Christmas day with my beautiful wife and just relax with our 2011 protocol and pharmacology updates and some other clinical improvements that will bring all of the health services to the same point.

Have a good Christmas if it's your thing.
I feel it's just another day and do get a little pissed of with the seasonal festive goodwill to people when it should be all year.

Don't even get me started on the commercialisation!!!!!!!!!

See you at the big One.


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