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05 December 2010

Much more transport tonight.

73F - Fall, stumble, tripped through a fly screen. ? a fractured shoulder. Analgesia and transport.
21F - Pancreatitis, confirmed diagnosis recently. Analgesia and transport.
90F - Discharge to a rehab with fractured humerus.
26F - IP, with her husband who was fine. Some busy body passers-by had called in and waited to tell us that she needed to go to hospital because she was intoxicated. Husband just wanted to go home, friends had a car and a nominated sober driver but busy body had passively stopped them from leaving until we had arrived. We released them and smiled insincerely as busy body walked away thinking they were important.
50M - O/s tourist with a fever. Been in the country for over a week so I guess they've caught one of our bugs. It was 40 degrees so transport was indicated.
Major incident; on the harbour.
20M - C/o mid thoracic central back pain. Collar, spine board, transport.
36M - Shoulder blade pain from fall suffered in same incident.

Back to normal-ish patients.
I don't care what colour you are, sex, age, race or religion but there are some who draw attention to their group and reinforce stereo types, such as FAS or OMG.

32M - IP, interestingly they are of a religious background (they informed me) that I know doesn't drink. There are not only language barriers but cultural differences. Wailing and gnashing of teeth while head butting the inside of the car or bashing the arm that is supposed to be injured does not go down well with us or the hospital. I tried to explain that ambo's, nurses and Dr's should not have to defend themselves from pts who were physical. Security kicked them out because apart from him being a total wanker there was nothing medically wrong.
35M - Deep lac to the muscle at the base of the thumb. needs lots of stitches.
53M - Heavy chest pain. Protocol and transport.
37M - Abdo pain, sounds like renal colic ,,,,,, interesting that that was the last job on the previous shift also.

See you at the big One.


1 comment:

RKR said...

Howdy Taz - long time reader - first time I was able to comment - only just signed up and created my own blog.

Do you guys have VACIS or similar in NSW - or still a paper PCR?

There seems to be heaps of different levels of practitioner in NSW - its interesting to see what each is permitted to do. Are you guidelines and drug protocols electronic?

Keep writing dude - i enjoy your posts.