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01 December 2010

4th Anniversary of my first Cardiac Arrest save.

Yep, four years ago I can claim my first witnessed and saved cardiac arrest.
So with that in mind and with a student from our education as a ride-a-long we set out on adventure today.

It didn't seem to be happening though!

32F - Near faint in the underground train station or maybe it was just Floppy As*&^ Syndrome that I have blogged about before.

63M - Who was vigorously scratching his male member and made it bleed. It bled quiet a lot despite bandaging. Honest readers you couldn't make some of this sh*t up.

93M - Nursing home staff say his GCS has declined this morning. While none were on his meds chart I think he was doped out of it.

50F - A simple mechanical fall going to her birthday celebration. A face plant but during examination her central mid-neck was very tender. No motor/sensory deficit but all precautions taken.

64M - Post ictal. Was by himself so I had to encourage transport and he did eventually agree.

49M - Chest pain, yea sure, we eventually locate him because he doesn't really know his exact location. Doesn't look the best, short history AMI two months ago with two stents and today was his second day back at work and he was just driving when the pain came on.
Three leads show elevation in 3 & AVF so while I'm technically not supposed to be able to understand a twelve lead I do one and confirm a STEMI and treat with O2, Aspirin and nitrates we were too close for me to get any morphine for pain just an 18G in the forearm.
Pass a code 3 to the hospital, walk in with all my prints and up to the cath lab we go.
Funny it happened today.

Thanks to PP Author for the comment about anonymous comments, that's how I handled it in the end.

See you at the big One.


1 comment:

flobach said...

Congrats on your save...and good work on the STEMI.
By the way, there is new research emerging that suggests Morphine does harm in patients with cardiac problems...lowering BP, pain underestimation and all that.