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25 August 2008

The Last Week!

Tracy just stood there and said to me without a moments hesitation

This was going to be a long week for her!!!

I think I've done very well thank you.

There's no cabin fever here, I might be a little hyperactive that's all!!!!

We're going away for a night up in the Blue Mountains this week as our original plan about driving out west never happened. My last remaining grandparent has not been well, severe Parkinsons and recurring chest infections so we remained close to the airport at home.

If you we to take this link to the public access page for the Ambulance Service of New South Wales you might come across this story too.

Or you could just follow this link;

Shameless self promotion about a job from 16th of May this year and with a very emotional reunion between Rosalind and myself.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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