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04 August 2008

We have the IVF implant today.

One one of the eggs harvested fertilised normally so that's all we're getting.

If you were to research it, it is amazing that as a species humans have survived when compared to other birthrates and multiple birthing (litters) that other species use. At any given time there is only something like a 15% chance of conception.

Nice little job yesterday with a 'Nanna down'.

Simple mechanical fall, minor right forehead lac and contusion, pupils equal and reactive, complaining of pain in right wrist but she's waving it around and even supporting herself with it so I'm not concerned with it.

She keeps asking about her keys, what happened and was she bleeding!

Main Entry: perseveration-,

continuation of something (as repetition of a word) usually to an exceptional degree or beyond a desired point-

Concussion at the least, closed head injury at worst, so employed all the tools available, made a Bat call to the hospital and that's the only good job in a week or more.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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