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Oh, there you are!

10 July 2009

I broke my new Padawan.

Well he hasn't been at work and I have been getting overtime officers to work with so he must be sick.

He hasn't missed any quantity but there has been some thought provoking jobs.

The 20 something male with facial injuries (minor, post alleged assault) who was discussing absconding when we arrived at hospital, a waste of oxygen.

60 something female who reportedly had a simple fall with a cut to the leg that had stopped bleeding. Turned out to be an obviously fractured ankle, no cut to be seen and the baseline obs indicated an unidentified so far, cardiac issue with rapid AF. Pt denied any SOB, Chest pain or vertigo prior, during or after the fall so I could only treat the fracture.

The AF did get us unloaded straight away though!

A bloody man cold!
Yes he was sick, pulse 104, BP 130/80, RR 20, Temp 40.
Has seen the Dr, is taking the tablets but it's not going away quick enough.
30 something, rang his Mummy first and then us?????????
We took him because that's what he wanted and the hospital sent him home a few hours later.

A 70 something female with reported leg pain and it changing colour.
I've had one of these jobs before and it was a popliteal occlusion, dark blue and very cold so I was ready for that worst case scenario.

Luckily while it was a different shade darker, there was a good and equal pedal pulse. This lady has a current cancer under treatment so these patients always get a trip because as we know it doesn't take much to knock them over.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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