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20 July 2009

The only shift I worked on road last week.

Was the second night shift.

Started off with a social services job for an elderly lady whose husband had been in hospital for three weeks and she was now experiencing decreased mobility.

We were four hours at hospital with this job but they are an increasingly common job.

20 something M, assaulted, split lip and a bump on the head, transported.
Mid 20's M, took four ecstasy or MDMA pills but didn't feel as high as he expected??????
Obviously a very bad case of shit pills then!!!!
20 something F, called to a Ketamine OD but was just pissed, gave us a mouthful and buggered off.
Mid 20's M, Intoxicated person who was suffering what would most probably turn into chronic life long porkchopitis.
Called to assist another car with a fitter.
Mid 20's M, stiletto'd on the head in a fight for a cab by the other guys G/F.
The princess who couldn't breath but gave us her life story in five minutes and wouldn't wait twenty minutes for a Doctor, so left to walk back to where we picked her up?????

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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