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Oh, there you are!

28 August 2012

We are the Mental Health Bus!

63F - Lives in a hostel and was in a local facility for a few weeks suffering manic episodes and they've hit again. She claims to be taking her meds??
53M - Absconded yesterday from a facility and found by Police today for us to return.
68F - Found by Police living at the bottom of someones backyard? sounds like a fairytale but it isn't! Poor love she's homeless and suffers dementia, there are several journals with repetitive writings and drawings I don't know how long she has slipped through the cracks but hopefully we have caught her now.
26F - Known epileptic but an unwitnessed seizure in the bathroom and falling in the tub resulting in two facial injuries meant that I did push the point of transport before her GCS really improved too much.
18mthM - Croup, very good, thinking, common sense parents. We don't see enough of it.
81F - Gastro and as the carer for her husband needed the care of a hospital while a family member tried to cope with him. Pardon the pun but a shit awful way to spent your 81st birthday!
68F - Flu, fever, fainted this panicked the husband but with advice she stayed at home.
61F - Mechanical fall with a resulting swollen lip but she is on aspirin.

Be Excellent to Each Other and See You at the Big One!


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