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26 January 2013

A bit of that!

62F - I've been here before and she does have really bad anxiety and if her own control methods don't work she calls us.
51F - Fell or pushed over last night and she walked home, today her hip hurts (has taken no analgesia) and rang us, I feel it's muscular really.
16F - Wanted Methadone.
31M - Effected by Xanax and walked off the curb into the side of a truck that was hardly moving, an abrasion to his forehead, unsure when the truck last had a tetanus shot but it was uninjured.
50F - Restrained driver in a two car head on. Didn't need to cut the car but there was a possible SC injury.
49M - Who tested mine, my partner and everyone he came in contact with's patience, and that is being really, really nice about how much this guy pissed me off.
72M - Looked like he was pre-arrest brachial pulse weak, very diaphoretic, 70sys the best I got but the ECG came back with NSR and after a bolus 500mls of Hartmann's or Ringers Lactate it was up to 91/54.
As a retired Dr he thinks it's a reaction to seafood but I'm not sure.

Be Excellent to Each Other and See You at the Big One!


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