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21 May 2008

First day.

A very interesting mental health patient to start the day off. Friends had called the police with concern for their mate who has a history of Bi-Polar. He was just starting the quick slide into destructive depression and they recognised the signs, not bad for a couple of blokes? I know from my past experience with bi-polar in particular with my first wife that us guys are shit with this stuff.
If it was a broken arm or a scar or something we understand that but not these invisable diseases.
He chucked a couple of mad attacks at our local hospital, had the staff running around chasing him.

And to complete the day a very sick septic patient. Aged gent with dementia who, per family had just got worse since yesterday. Sounded like a chest infection gone bad. Febrile with shit BP and BBB appearing on the ECG en route. We got a resus bed straight up and thank you to the other crews who let us jump the queue.

Well that'll do, I'm off to bed. Tracy is recovering from the prang yesterday. Scabs are formed and the pain has decreased but she is still stiff and our son is coming for a visit from Hobart on Sunday so she will have to be better for that after all even aged 20, Christopher is still her little boy.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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