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22 May 2008

Second Day.

Of course it's my day to drive today so as I have said before the patients were not mine to talk about. Enough to say that my TAO had a nice clean and not smelly day in which to develop her patient management and treatment skills.

BUT I do have the permission of the second last patient of the shift to talk about and use the photo below.

Called to:- Pedestrian verses Car, police on scene.
On arrival:- Pedal Cyclist verses Taxi passenger door.
On examination:- Taxi door is in fact buggered, stuffed, nearly pulled of it's hinge! The dumb passenger who flung the door open (the taxi was not pulled over to the curb, it was one whole lane of traffic out from it!!!!!!!!) was uninjured.

The biker a female of solid build took the impact on her right shoulder. A very localised pain with a contusion but no deformity or decreased ROM. No neck pain, helmet intact, etc bloody lucky.

The bike, not so lucky. It suffered a debilitating paralysis of the forward rotatory appendage requiring total separation from the main body.
I tried!

I really did!

But maybe this job just got too personal for me!

Maybe I was suffering flashbacks of Tracy's accident!

Nah, just taking the piss.
And so was I when I wheeled the bike into SVH with O2 mask on the seat and triangle bandage for the fractured front wheel.

It was just too funny and the looks from staff,,,,, priceless.

Friday night tomorrow,,,,, and I'm treating, wackadoo!!!!

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.



Champion said...

How many times did you attempt your P1 course?

TAZ THE AMBO said...

I did it twice. The educators decided I had an no problem with the material it was just when I was last at a real school they didn't teach study or exam techniques. A few tips on those and I managed to put 15% on my already good clinical score and 20+% on the Amprac.
The price I paid for being a mature age student.